Why Should Your Business Adopt Reusable Stainless Steel Straws?


Plastic straws have a noticeable and growing bad reputation. While they are convenient and habitual, they are increasingly causing environmental impacts. Some cities around the country have gone as far as to completely ban plastic straw distribution. Customers are also growing in this concern, and have vocalized their opposition to plastic straws as well.

For businesses, profit and customer satisfaction are the pillars of running a successful, meaningful, and lasting business. Studies and surveys have shown that customers are paying more attention to environmental aspects of businesses. In fact, according to the global analytics company Nielsen, 81% of consumers believe that companies and businesses should do their best to conserve the environment. More than ever, customers are choosing to support businesses that do their part to protect the environment; even when it comes down to the details, like straws.

The bad reputation regarding plastic straws doesn't just come from their environmental impact, but the impact they may cause on human health. Plastics contain many chemical additives and BPA, which has been known to disrupt the endocrine system and can have carcinogenic effects. The modern consumer is more environmentally and health-conscious than they have ever been, and social behaviors have a huge impact on the world of business. The public wants to do what is right for the environment and they want every business that they patronize to do the same.

In a Future's survey of over 1,000 consumers in the USA and UK, it was discovered that 96% of people feel their own actions, such as buying ethically, can make a difference. This includes where, when, and how they engage with businesses. In short, implementing any environmentally friendly standard in your business will win you points with the public. Plus, you can feel good about doing so.

In terms of cost, reusable items just make sense. Many businesses, especially foodservice businesses, have relied on single-use plastics. This is mainly due to two factors: cost and out of habit; it has been the standard for too long. Stainless steel straws especially are an excellent alternative, and are one of the most cost-effective choices.

Reusing any item rather than using them once, is a cheaper and more sustainable option. Stainless steel straws are durable and long-lasting. Businesses can implement them in confidence knowing their initial investment will be paid off quickly.

For example, a stainless steel straw costing $0.50, some even less expensive when you buy stainless steel straws in bulk, is equal to the cost of about eight disposable straws. This means that after six uses, each straw has made back their investment.

Then, every use after that sixth use is saving you money! It’s important not to focus on the initial investment when making sustainable switches, but rather break down the cost per use in a similar way, to see a vision of your long-term savings. The combination of customer satisfaction and appreciation that small, yet effective sustainable switches can bring, with cost savings in consideration, make choosing stainless steel straws a business no-brainer.


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