Our Story
A Little About Us
We didn't start our business with an earth-shattering story or mind-blowing event. It began as a whisper when like many others, we looked at how we lived our lives and compared it to our beliefs and how we truly wanted to live. Honestly, we found ourselves lacking in our efforts. We thought we were doing the right things, and in many ways, we were, but was it enough?
We found ourselves going through the motions—conserving water, recycling, reusing when we could—but it felt like we were falling short. We lived a life of convenience, and in many respects, we still do. However, now we make it a priority to reduce waste and the crap we leave behind.
We started this business because we believe that it can make a difference. That stainless steel straws and reusable items can reduce waste and change how we think and act. Oddly enough, our dislike of getting up early in the morning eventually led to some of the decisions we would put into play to start our small home business.
For over 15 years, we started the day with a fruit, veggie, and protein smoothie we drank on our morning commute to work. We were horrible! We had 16-ounce plastic cups with lids, we used plastic straws, and we froze the fruit for our smoothie—you guessed it—plastic bags.
Even though we were taking care of our bodies we weren’t doing any favors for our environment, we weren’t living up to our beliefs. We hated throwing all this plastic (waste) away daily. FINALLY! We had that ‘ah-ha’ moment. We replaced our plastic cups with stainless steel cups, plastic straws with stainless steel straws, and plastic baggies with silicone freezer bags. Making the change was so simple. Not only are we saving money, but we are also reducing our impact on the environment.
No, our war isn’t against plastics, single-use items, or excess packaging. We aren’t fighting a war. We are on a mission! It is a mission to control the few things we can and make the best decisions to protect the environment while we are here. We work with our suppliers to ship quality eco-friendly products that will last years, if not a lifetime. We minimize the use of plastic when possible and avoid excess packaging, and we strive to use recycled and recyclable packing as much as possible.
Our Purpose - Reduce waste and provide quality, affordable reusable products to our customers in an environmentally responsible manner.
We sincerely thank you for visiting and supporting our small business.
Sip Sustainably,
Jason, Sonja and Madalyn