5 Tips For Being Kinder to the Planet


Developing an eco-friendly lifestyle that follows every rule may sound overwhelming to someone new to conscious consumer space. You may know that you want to do your part in helping the planet, but may not know where to start. You might also feel like unless you drastically change your lifestyle, you won’t be able to make a real, or lasting impact.

However, leading an environmentally conscious lifestyle develops through small habits and repeated behaviors, not monumental shifts. While some people choose to do so, it’s not always feasible for everyone.

This is why one of the best ways to become an eco-warrior, is through picking up small habits and tips that are approachable, affordable, and memorable for you, then adding to those as you go; and hopefully, inspire others along the way.

Here are five tips anyone can do to be kinder to the planet.

1. Say No To Straws and Single-Use Plastic Utensils

You don’t have to stop eating out, getting to-go meals, or making memories with friends and family. All you have to do is to remember to say, “No straw for me, thanks!”, the next time you are dining out. If you’re ordering out, remind the employee over the phone to, “not include plastic utensils and straws in the bag, please!” in order to avoid using and disposing of excess single-use plastics.

For some, purchasing reusable to-go utensils, or reusable straws is a great option, and prompts them further to not use disposable plastic options when they know they have their reusable options with them. However, this is not necessary. Chances are, you have cutlery at home that you could bring for on-the-go meals. Straws are more of a luxury dining item than a necessity in comparison to cutlery, so a simple “no” is a good way to avoid them if you’re not in a position to purchase reusable options.

This is a simple change in behavior that anyone can do. The hard part is remembering to do it! But just like with any habit, repetition will help you to solidify this super effective green tip. Oh, and say no to those pesky single-serving condiment sachet packets, too!

2. Buy The “Ugly” Produce

Do you know those apples with the funny shape? The sweet potatoes with an extra, twisted root? Those single, lonely bananas on the shelf unattached to a bunch? These are examples of what is known as “ugly” produce, and they are more likely to be left on shelves and ultimately, sent to landfills.

It’s important to remember that there is nothing wrong with these types of produce, and their nutritional values are the same! They just happen to be left out of consumers’ carts simply because of their looks.

One of the best things you can do as a consumer to help reduce food waste is by choosing these odd-balls when you are out grocery shopping. This simple tip will not only help you look at food in a different way, but you will directly help reduce the amount of produce that is thrown away by supermarkets simply because consumers would not choose a unique-looking item.

3. Take Shorter Showers

Are you guilty of taking 30-minute showers with the temperature on high? If you are, this is a great opportunity for you to reduce your carbon footprint and your energy bill! Conserving water is an essential part of living a more eco-conscious lifestyle.

Some options to make your showers better for your wallet and the environment include taking shorter showers, taking fewer showers daily, reducing the water temperature, or a combination of these options. This is a high-quality tip, as it is a simple swap that anyone can do! The savings on your utility bills will prove it to you.

4. Buy More Necessities and Less Wants

Of course, it's important to treat yourself. However, if we are honest with ourselves, we can all agree much of what we buy, we don’t actually need. If we can learn to buy things in ways that align more with necessity, and less out of wants, we can help curb fast fashion, a large global polluter. We can also guarantee money savings, and we will ultimately send less waste to landfills.

5. Educate Others

The famous quote, “knowledge is power”, could not be more true when related to environmental advocacy. When you pick up environmental tips that you enjoy and are effective, share them! Let others in your circle know how and why you do them, and let it start a domino effect.

If many of us just did one kind thing for the planet each day, the outcomes would be extraordinary.


Reasons to Care About the Environment


The Facts About PLA Straws