Reasons to Care About the Environment


Throughout centuries the environment has declined significantly. Human advances have destroyed ecosystems, wildlife, and more. Without our precious Earth, human civilization wouldn't be possible, and therefore ending human existence. To carry on human life environmental change must happen, and happen soon. By creating sustainable practices, reusable energy, cleaner air, and fixing biodiversity, the environment has a chance of recovery. Raising awareness about climate change can shed light not only on saving the environment but also on continuing generations to change for the better.

Environment-Induced Illnesses

Essentials to humans like access to clean water and air have now become a luxury. Many pollutants are not only released into the atmosphere but also have tainted our water from being drinkable. Exposure to these dangerous pollutants can result in several medical conditions. According to the EPA, air pollution, like ozone exposure, increases the risks of asthma, heart attacks, bronchitis, lung diseases, and even premature mortality. Indoor pollutants can be just as harmful and can cause life-threatening effects resulting in exposure to carbon monoxide, asbestos, secondhand smoke, and many others. Without proper solutions, the environment's air quality will continue to diminish.

Without water, humans wouldn’t be able to survive. Because water is so important to everyday life, it’s important to only consume water that is free of harmful chemicals and other pollutants. While most of the Earth’s population faces water scarcity, humans and animals are forced to consume water unfiltered and compromised with harmful pollutants. Long-term effects like gastrointestinal illness, reproductive problems, and neurological disorders can all be results of consuming greywater. A study conducted at Tokyo Bay in 2016 found that microplastics had been ingested by humans through seafood contaminated with water pollutants. Ingestion of microplastics can result in oxidative stress, inflammation, and even metabolic disorders. As a result, change has to occur, without change the possibility of extinction is inevitable.  

Benefits of Biodiversity

Biodiversity has a very important role in creating habitats for all types of species.

When an ecosystem has a multitude of species and better natural stability, an ecosystem has healthier benefits contributing to natural resources. These ecosystems often are capable of protecting water sources, soil and nutrient formation, pollution breakdown, and better recovery of unpredictable disasters. Protecting biodiversity is extremely beneficial not only for humans but also for genetic diversity throughout the wild. Without genetic diversity, extinction becomes more severe and in-breeding negatively affects genetics and risks the survival of the species. 

A study in the journal Science explained that over three-quarters of the world’s big carnivores are dying. These species such as wolves, lions, leopards, bears, and others are dying due to a decline in habitats and human activity. Because habitats are being compromised, animals aren’t able to provide due to the food scarcity and dying ecosystem. Although nature is resilient, human activity and climate change have caused inexcusable problems.

Reversing Climate change

Since humans have evolved, new developments and technology have been creating toxic waste as a result. As this waste comes in many forms like greywater, burning fossil fuels, or many others, these have all impacted the environment; creating climate change. Although gradual, climate change is very dangerous and threatens everyone's existence. Without proper sustainable practices, the world will continue to have more natural disasters, harsher weather conditions, ice melting, and so much more. These effects are brought on by humans, and climate change can become irreversible. According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, it was discovered that since the Industrial Revolution, CO2 atmospheric levels had risen drastically, causing the Earth’s temperatures to rise at a rapid pace. Since then the burning of fossil fuels has risen the CO2 levels in our atmosphere by 69%, from 280 parts per million during the Industrial Revolution to 407 ppm in 2018.  As a result, the Earth's temperatures have reached new record levels and have predicted that temperatures will continue to rise and begin to wipe out ecosystems. If or when temperatures surpass the pre-industrial levels it is predicted that the Mediterranean Basin will experience desertification, the Amazon will become uninhabitable, and coral reefs will disappear.

Protecting Future Generations

Finding solutions for combating climate change, or protecting biodiversity are all affecting generations to come. Taking action now can help future generations to not only survive but thrive. Because as humans disastrous things have happened and it’s up to us to determine how to fix these situations. Spreading awareness for protecting the Earth and stopping big corporations from emitting dangerous chemicals into the atmosphere could potentially save not only human generations but also wildlife, and ecosystems too. With many different advocacy campaigns, Better World International is one of many committed to improving the environment. Better World International provides practical solutions and tips to live more environmentally conscious and project it onto others. While humans often compare themselves to each other any small impact could change the world for hundreds of years.

As time continues, it’s important to think consciously about how your choices impact the environment. Making sustainable choices are not only beneficial but are more impactful and could change how future generations are taught. Advocating and educating people can create discussion, which in turn creates an understanding of environmental issues. The environment is important and should be cared about by everyone, for everyone.


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